Monday, October 24, 2005

Well what a schmozzle

Well what a schmozzle. The world has fallen and down and now it is trying to right itself again.
Of course there is always someone waiting to push it off kilter again.
Basically everyone hates everyone and there is either constant bickering or constant silence. I am not sure which is better. However I am sure that given the decisions that people have made/ are making that the world is never going to be the same again.

In a group of friends there is always a moral line that should never be crossed. We have all just discovered what happens when someone crosses that line. Basically friendships go to hell and noone speaks to each other. Not unless they are forced to. It also means that people become so self obsessed that they all lose the ability to look at the big picture and all behave like teenage girls in highschool. Never a pretty sight to begin with.

I however have a view for the future. My "Grand Design". It involves a job a house and Canberra beyond that I have no idea. Of course I am fairly sure that everyone is so self obsessed that they won't even notice when I am gone. Maybe I'll send them a postcard and remind them...
I am fairly certain that if I was to stay here not only would I go completely crazy or have some sort of break down I would remain in the company of people, who like Peter Pan, refuse to grow up. I have made my choice and I choose the right to grow up. It is better to grow then to stagnate in a pond of hate. Which is pretty much where everyone else seems to be sitting.

Been a long time between posts because I have been away, working, depressed, broken up with and just completely lost. Hopefully If I can prove that I can write on my blog a certain someone who has disappeard into the great land of Japan can do the same.... You know who you are.

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