Thursday, August 24, 2006

It has been a while

I thought I would just update the world on my ramblings...

What I know
I mean I know many things ( or at least I think I do.):1. I tend to lose things. In fact I have lost my new bracelet, and my favourite rings. Somewhere at work. Defintely worth grrr arghhing about.2. I think too much. Or maybe not enough? None of its out loud though. Try having an interior monologue that won't shut up when you want. 3. The stupid moods I get in if I pay too much attention to the stupid monologue inside my head. It is at this point I want to flail my arms wildly and hit myself over the head. That would distract it for a while now wouldn't it? Maybe I need help? Does anyone have a monologue distractor or remover? Or perhaps I could just figure out what starts it off?That I don't think I will ever know really. I feel really sorry for anyone who is around me when I make even less sense then usual. (hint hint)

Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que je voudrais. C'est evident, je pense. Life the universe and everything? Non ce n'est pas ça. Je pense de ça ce matin. Á ce matin je veux grosses bisses, sourires et le possibilité le possibilité er des plaisantes, des blagues et des autres choses heureuex.I dare someone to even be able to understand any of that. :P

Ok enough of that All I have to do is figure out what I am doing this weekend. I know I am: buying a fabulous new dress, something else, and going out for dinner. I know the when, the who but not the where. decisions decisions.

I feel slightly less weird. But not in a cathartic way

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A poetical Thought

I got to visit my thinking spot and do some real thinking today. What came of that is: ( please dont laugh)

What is it about?
This life, this change that change?
My life for yours.
His lies
for her lies
Complete lies
Incomplete lives.
Calm is danger
Chaos is calm.
My lost is your found,
One ending is a beginning

Where do the lost go?
I have found my own loss.
I see it!I feel it!I dont want it!
I set it freeI no longer hold it captive.
I smile,
I breathe
I laugh
I wait anew
The first poetical thing I have written in almost a year. It feels great.