Thursday, August 24, 2006

It has been a while

I thought I would just update the world on my ramblings...

What I know
I mean I know many things ( or at least I think I do.):1. I tend to lose things. In fact I have lost my new bracelet, and my favourite rings. Somewhere at work. Defintely worth grrr arghhing about.2. I think too much. Or maybe not enough? None of its out loud though. Try having an interior monologue that won't shut up when you want. 3. The stupid moods I get in if I pay too much attention to the stupid monologue inside my head. It is at this point I want to flail my arms wildly and hit myself over the head. That would distract it for a while now wouldn't it? Maybe I need help? Does anyone have a monologue distractor or remover? Or perhaps I could just figure out what starts it off?That I don't think I will ever know really. I feel really sorry for anyone who is around me when I make even less sense then usual. (hint hint)

Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que je voudrais. C'est evident, je pense. Life the universe and everything? Non ce n'est pas ça. Je pense de ça ce matin. Á ce matin je veux grosses bisses, sourires et le possibilité le possibilité er des plaisantes, des blagues et des autres choses heureuex.I dare someone to even be able to understand any of that. :P

Ok enough of that All I have to do is figure out what I am doing this weekend. I know I am: buying a fabulous new dress, something else, and going out for dinner. I know the when, the who but not the where. decisions decisions.

I feel slightly less weird. But not in a cathartic way

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A poetical Thought

I got to visit my thinking spot and do some real thinking today. What came of that is: ( please dont laugh)

What is it about?
This life, this change that change?
My life for yours.
His lies
for her lies
Complete lies
Incomplete lives.
Calm is danger
Chaos is calm.
My lost is your found,
One ending is a beginning

Where do the lost go?
I have found my own loss.
I see it!I feel it!I dont want it!
I set it freeI no longer hold it captive.
I smile,
I breathe
I laugh
I wait anew
The first poetical thing I have written in almost a year. It feels great.

Monday, May 15, 2006

House Warming

Well my house has been warmed.
I have had my quarterly binge, and I really enjoyed it.It was a great night, I fell over a little, spilt a drink, drank an entire bottle of fortified wine, yes I am sorry I did drink some malibu.

My friends from Newcastle came up to see me. For which I am thankful. It was SOOO good to see them. Besides which now I look like I do actually have friends. I wish I could have seen you all but that would have been expecting just a little much. But just you watch I will move you down here one by one so watch out.

I want you to all be prepared for August. By then I should be able to have a binge and a half. Im coming up for a week so be prepared!

I had forgotten how much fun I can have when I dont have to take care of anyone else. So all is getting to be at peace in the world.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Well. I hate knees. Here I was dancing, flirting having fun. What does my knee do? Dislocates itself. So imagine the looks on peoples faces. It went out then back in again. Was painful. BUT now I have a sore knee that is threatening to do whatever it is that knees do after being dislocated. Of course it means pain. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. Now all I need is someone to tell me what I am supposed to do with my knee. I gave it a days rest yesterday. Completely.
I spent all day in my pjs.

So what am I supposed to do to make it feel better?
Am I supposed to strap it? Not walk on it? It has been a while since I did anything like this to my knees. I blame netball. So someone needs to tell me what to do.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Well she's here

She had a long trip down but she has finally arrived and she seems to be settling in well. So two thirds of my little family have come down, I am just awaiting Mij who will be arriving after Easter.

Ollie wandered around the house for a while maiowing but she was all right. She is currently spending her first day alone but with Shakira. Her new friend. Shakira is unimpressed as you can imagine but I am sure she will be ok.

So now I have work, then holidays. Someone has already given me Easter eggs. I have no idea what to do. Eat or not to eat them that is the question. However I will be having at least one hot cross bun tomorrow. YUMMY!!!! OOh I had better buy some margarine.

So now comes the rest of the list.
Have driving lessons
Find a car
Buy Car
Get P's

I am so looking forward to spending a four day weekend mooching, organising and unpacking. Let's hope the day doesn't drag.

So people get in your transporters and come and visit me. YES!

Friday, April 07, 2006


We have a house
We have organisation
I think I have forgotten exactly how much furniture I have.
But Bearing that in mind I am so looking forward to spending my first freezing night there this evening. YAY
I only have a few other things to organise.
But pretty soon I will have a landline yeeess!!
Oh and can anyone guess what my first meal in my new house will be? Other then breakfast
My first dinner will be drrruuuummm rolle PIZZA. I haven't chosen between vegetarian and pepperoni ( I really shouldn't eat pepperoni) but I am hanging out for it. Definitely.

So anyone that wants to come and visit feel free. Visitors are fun.
Oh but if you are strong and good looking I just might put you to work
Hee hee.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A new Beginning

Your True Love Is an Aquarius
Why you'll love an Aquarius:
Independent yet devoted, you'll appreciate the unique approach to love Aquarius takes.You both see love as a bit of a game, and Aquarius will challenge you until you're completely hooked.
Why an Aquarius will love you:
You're secure enough to give Aquarius tons of space - even if it means separate interests and friends.You have the brains to keep Aquarius engaged and curious. And the passion to change the world together!

Now who'd have thunk that my perfect match is myself? Personally all the stuff I have read has always indicated Sagitarrians. OH and told me to stay away from Leos. Maybe I should have listened eh?

Now all I need is to meet some aquarians given that all the people I know ( except Nathan) are Capricorns, Leos or Taureans, with a couple of Pisces and Arians.

Oh and I am finally completely free of my past. The final break came yesterday. Unbelievably my mobile is in my name 6 MONTHS!! later. BUT I have the same phone number YAY. Now I am going to get a new phone ( no engagement phone for me). There is no point being to see the past every time you make a phone call.
*A new phone
*A new life
*A new smile

I miss my cat, my bird and I WANT A HOUSE. We are getting close though. YAY. Oh and the we is two other people I have found to house hunt with. They are really very interesting nice people. They are new people and that's a step in the right direction.

I heard some sad news yesterday. What is the water in Newcastle? Geez most people down here are getting together (if they can find someone that is, and that is pretty difficult, of course I do need to actually socialise. Being an introvert can be a problem then).I wonder if anyone can give me lessons on how to be an introverted extrovert without being completely insane. I think I need some help. I used to be a social butterfly- But I seem to have returned to the chrsalys stage.
But it appears everyone up there is splitting up?? What are you all drinking??????

So if anyone actually reads this. I am doing fine, having a great time, learning and exploring. The leaves are starting to change colour the air is colder,Perfect flirting weather. I love no I adore winter.

J'aime le monde. Je regarde un nouveau monde sans mon enfers, avec une sourire, J'avais decide de rechercher moi-meme.

Watch out world

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Here I am Happy and listless and catless and birdless

Hey Peoples

Ok here is the low down

I am sitting here in CANBERRA a fully employed personage who has made the migration and feels pretty good about it.

It feels good to leave all the silences and narkiness behind. You know you can never go home.. Thats what it is going to be like but hopefully my friends will still know me when I go back to visit from time to time.. FINGERS CROSSED..

Now all I need is a house and I will be set. And to bring down my cat and my bird.. My happy little family.